Tuesday 1 October 2013


Today, I want you to answer a simple Question. What kind of Employee are you? Are you the type of employee the organisation can always rely on or the headache giving one, are you the one that helps them solve problems or compound it? Are you the employee that saves face for your employer or the one who makes him lose face? Are you helping your organisation get better at what they do or the other way round? Are you the type that get things done or the one who is known for excuse? It's high time you showed your employer, why he/she still needs you in the organisation. Don't just be a figure head but an innovative employee that makes things happen, and become indispensable to your boss. Shallom!!! Femi 'Xplosionz' Adewole Actiivational Speaker & Life Strategist BB PIN: 278B82F9

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