Tuesday 1 October 2013


Today, I want to celebrate someone very special to me, as she celebrate her day. I composed a special Poem for her and want to use this medium to express it. About 2 centuries minus 1 ago A rare gem was delivered To the planet earth And the earth rejoiced I have met many But only few amazed me You deserve a thumbs up Coz you dazzled me I see greatness in you But to every great woman's journey Are stumbling blocks Trying to distract without Success There are giants In everyone's promised land It's time to bring down the giants In your promised land They say to every glory There must be a story This is the time of the story write well Treasure And engrave a nice plot On the sand of the earth Shallom!!! With love from a caring brother to a unique and awesome sister. Let's share our love for her Femi 'Xplosionz' Adewole Activational Speaker & Life Strategist BB PIN:- 278B82F9

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