Tuesday 1 October 2013


Have you discovered that all the great success stories we are celebrating today, had it very rough. Bill Gates first invention was tagged a Scientific failure, and he was told he had nothing to do with the inventing world:$ Henry Ford was called a MAD man when he started picking up used cans=D but he went ahead to strike a Name. Nelson Mandela went to Prison for 27 years enroute his road to destiny:'( this is what built him in become an exceptional black President, and it took him 66 years to Achieve his dream. Likewise, Winston Churchill had to wait for about 55 years to achieve his dream. Do you think you have been waiting for too long, or life is not rewarding your effort. NEVER give up NOW. There must be a STORY behind your GLORY, and your glory will make your NAME connect with FAME. Laughter comes after a good cry. Shallom!!! Femi 'Xplosionz' Adewole Activational Speaker & Life Strategist BB PIN: 278B82F9

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