Tuesday 1 October 2013


There are three different kind of people, those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happens. Which group do you belong to? Never ever wait for people to do things, decide to do it yourself. Nothing great and fantastic was ever achieved by the lookers and wonderers but it is always by the doers. It's time to take charge of your life, don't leave it to the hands of someone else. Shallom. Femi 'Xplosionz' Adewole Activational Speaker & Life Strategist


Have you discovered that all the great success stories we are celebrating today, had it very rough. Bill Gates first invention was tagged a Scientific failure, and he was told he had nothing to do with the inventing world:$ Henry Ford was called a MAD man when he started picking up used cans=D but he went ahead to strike a Name. Nelson Mandela went to Prison for 27 years enroute his road to destiny:'( this is what built him in become an exceptional black President, and it took him 66 years to Achieve his dream. Likewise, Winston Churchill had to wait for about 55 years to achieve his dream. Do you think you have been waiting for too long, or life is not rewarding your effort. NEVER give up NOW. There must be a STORY behind your GLORY, and your glory will make your NAME connect with FAME. Laughter comes after a good cry. Shallom!!! Femi 'Xplosionz' Adewole Activational Speaker & Life Strategist BB PIN: 278B82F9


Today, I want to celebrate someone very special to me, as she celebrate her day. I composed a special Poem for her and want to use this medium to express it. About 2 centuries minus 1 ago A rare gem was delivered To the planet earth And the earth rejoiced I have met many But only few amazed me You deserve a thumbs up Coz you dazzled me I see greatness in you But to every great woman's journey Are stumbling blocks Trying to distract without Success There are giants In everyone's promised land It's time to bring down the giants In your promised land They say to every glory There must be a story This is the time of the story write well Treasure And engrave a nice plot On the sand of the earth Shallom!!! With love from a caring brother to a unique and awesome sister. Let's share our love for her Femi 'Xplosionz' Adewole Activational Speaker & Life Strategist BB PIN:- 278B82F9


Today, I want you to answer a simple Question. What kind of Employee are you? Are you the type of employee the organisation can always rely on or the headache giving one, are you the one that helps them solve problems or compound it? Are you the employee that saves face for your employer or the one who makes him lose face? Are you helping your organisation get better at what they do or the other way round? Are you the type that get things done or the one who is known for excuse? It's high time you showed your employer, why he/she still needs you in the organisation. Don't just be a figure head but an innovative employee that makes things happen, and become indispensable to your boss. Shallom!!! Femi 'Xplosionz' Adewole Actiivational Speaker & Life Strategist BB PIN: 278B82F9


Many lives have been discovered to be a shadow of themselves:(. They were given birth to, went to school,get married and gives birth to Children. Is your life moving in this direction, are you not ashamed aand embarassed about yourself:$. Those who are not as qualified as you are, not as old as you are & not as intelligent as you are, are making impact and their generation is feeling their impact. Don't settle for an ordinary life, move out of your shell and begin to do the Exploits you are wired for. Shallom!!! Femi 'Xplosionz' Adewole. Activational Speaker & Life Strategist BB PIN: 278B82F9

Wednesday 18 September 2013

5 Motivational Mistakes That Sound Like Good Ideas

To achieve great things – to achieve anything– you need to understand how motivation works. The thing is, our minds don’t work the way we often think they do. (It’s the Inigo Montoya effect: “You keep using that mind. I don’t think it works like you think it works.”) Therefore, there are some very popular motivational techniques that sound plausible, but are actually counter productive if you don’t know exactly how to use them. Here are five of these techniques. For each of them, I’ve given an alternative that does work to produce more motivation and more goal achievement. 1. Affirmations Affirmations do work – but only if you’re affirming something you actually believe to be true. If you keep telling yourself what you know to be lies about yourself, all it does is create dissonance and disillusionment. If you don’t believe you’re beautiful, standing in front of the mirror saying “I am beautiful” is an exercise in futility. Rather than improving your self-image, it will make it worse. Your alternative:Find phrasings that reflect reality, that talk about progression rather than achievement, until you have achievements to point to. “I am taking steps towards my goal of…” is a better phrasing than “I am achieving my goal” if you actually aren’t achieving it yet. 2. Visualisation According to a very popular teaching which rhymes with “Flaw of Distraction”, visualising your end goal is pretty much all you need to do in order to achieve it. In fact, this is an excellent way to ensure that youneverachieve your goal, no matter how many seminars you attend or products you buy in an attempt to find out why you haven’t “made it” yet. Why you haven’t “made it” is that you’re not taking action. And one of the reasons you’re not taking action is that you’re spending your action-taking time convincing your mind that you already have what you want. Your alternative:Visualising theprocessof reaching your goal, rather than the outcome, increases the likelihood that you’ll achieve it. This is because you’re practicing the steps that you will have to take in order to reach the goal. It lowers the barrier to taking those steps in reality, because they already feel familiar and achievable. What’s more, you’ll perform them with more skill, just from having mentally rehearsed. 3. Willpower Willpower works to motivate you – up to a point. That’s the point at which you run out of willpower, because like energy or strength, it’s a finite resource. Whenever you motivate yourself to do something that you don’t, emotionally, want to do, there are measurable changes in your body and brain. You use up blood sugar, for example. It’s an effort, just the same as running round the block is an effort. And just as you can’t run round the block forever, so you can’t keep making yourself do things that you feel negative about doing forever, however important they are to your long-term happiness. Your alternative:You actually have several alternatives to willpower. One, of course, is finding ways to achieve your goals that you actually enjoy. Another is finding new goals. Yet a third is reducing other drains on your willpower so that you will have more to devote to your most important goal. But if none of those are options, work on finding the enjoyment and worth in theprocessof working towards your goal – so that you don’t have to exert willpower all the time in order to keep doing the essential steps. At the very least, find ways to reduce your resistance. 4. Rewards Rewards can be motivational – but only if they relate to what you’re actually doing. Whether it’s bribing children with candy to get them to draw pictures or offering workers more money instead of more fulfilling work and more autonomy, “extrinsic” motivators tend to backfire and producelessmotivation, not more. Your alternative:“Intrinsic” motivation – rewards directly connected to doing the activity you are trying to motivate – is the way to go here. Again, it’s about making the process itself worthwhile, rewarding and enjoyable, and about celebrating milestones towards your goal, not putting off all the happiness for when you eventually achieve it. 5. Punishment Punishing or scolding yourself (or someone else) may be one of the most commonly practiced forms of motivation. It’s true that negative consequences are motivational, but only if you use them in a particular way. Otherwise, they just produce resentment and backfire – not only because the emotional associations with the goal become negative, but also because the punishments, like the rewards, that are offered are often extrinsic to the goal itself. Your alternative:First review thepositiveconsequences of the behaviour you want to motivate. Then review thenegativeconsequences of the behaviour you have at the moment. It’s very important to look at them in that order. For some reason, the mind is more compelled by a negative consequence preceded by a positive than the other way around, or by either consequence alone. Notice that these are theintrinsicconsequences, the consequences that arise directly out of the behaviour itself. It’s not an external carrot and stick. *** You’ll notice that there’s a common theme in what works. It’s the process– the very thing we don’t want to think about, don’t want to go through – that holds the key to success. By paying attention to your process, you give yourself a motivational advantage and you’re much more likely to achieve your goals successfully.